How The Woman King whitewashes African slavery

Resources for understanding the true history of the Kingdom of Dahomey, and how the historical movie The Woman King whitewashes African slavery. The director’s movie has attempted to defend the movie against charges of historical revisionism, but professional historians have criticized it strongly, and there have been calls for a boycott. Achebe, Nwando. Female Monarchs …

The rise & fall of Falun Gong: a cult grown by China’s government

Resources for understanding the rise and fall of Falun Gong, a cult promoted by the Chinese government which ultimately became the government’s enemy, and fights back today with propaganda. Falun Gong emerged in China in 1992 as a qigong practice, and quickly gained widespread support throughout the population, thanks to enthusiastic support from the Chinese …

Halloween is Christian not pagan

Resources for understanding why Halloween is Christian not pagan, and the true history of Halloween. Every year at Halloween we see memes and articles alleging its pagan origin in Samhain, supposedly an ancient Celtic festival. However, this simply isn’t true. Professional historians have long since debunked this claim, which was based on faulty research from …