Bruce Pascoe’s famous book “Dark Emu” is historical fiction

Bruce Pascoe’s book “Dark Emu: Black Seeds: Agriculture or Accident?” makes the case that the Aboriginal Australians and Torres Straits Islanders were not hunter gatherers as commonly believed, but sedentary agriculturalists, with sophisticated engineering, aquaculture, architectural, and botanical knowledge. However, scholarly scrutiny has proved that “Dark Emu” is historical fiction.

These videos describe the academic background to Dark Emu, it’s initial reception and rise to fame, the controversy over its accuracy, and its current reception in the scholarly community.

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Denham, Tim. “Traditional Forms of Plant Exploitation in Australia and New Guinea: The Search for Common Ground.” Veget Hist Archaeobot 17.2 (2008): 245–48.

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Ellen, Roy. “Modes of Subsistence: Hunting and Gathering to Agriculture and Pastoralism.” Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Edited by Tim Ingold. Taylor & Francis, 2002.

Fensham, Roderick J. “The Biggest Estate on Earth: How Aborigines Made Australia.” Australian Geographer 43.3 (2012): 325–27.

Florek, Stan. “Bruce Pascoe and His Dark Emu.” The Australian Museum, 21 February 2017.

Frankel, David, and Janine Major. Victorian Aboriginal Life and Customs through Early European Eyes. 1st ed. La Trobe eBureau, 2017.,

Gammage, Bill. The Biggest Estate on Earth: How Aborigines Made Australia. Allen & Unwin, 2012.

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Gardner, Peter. “Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu and the McMillan Photograph.” Victorian Historical Journal 91.2 (n.d.): 383–95.

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Hankins, Don L. Review of Review of The Biggest Estate on Earth: How Aborigines Made Australia, by Bill Gammage. Environmental History 17.3 (2012): 653–55.

Hardaker, David. “Bruce Pascoe Has Become Too Big to Fail — and Impossible to Question.” Crikey, 13 July 2021.

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Hughes-d’Aeth, Tony. “Friday Essay: Dark Emu and the Blindness of Australian Agriculture.” The Conversation, 14 June 2018.

Johansen, Chris. “Book Review: Dark Emu. Black Seeds: Agriculture or Accident by Bruce Pascoe.” Australian Greens, 18 August 2016.

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Keen, Ian. “Foragers or Farmers: Dark Emu and the Controversy over Aboriginal Agriculture.” Anthropological Forum 31.1 (2021): 106–28.

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McDonald, Jo. “Archaeology, Deep History and the Culture Wars: Why Most Archaeologists Have Not Critiqued Dark Emu.” Australian Archaeology 87.3 (2021): 313–15.

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McIntyre, Sue. Review of Review of The Biggest Estate on Earth, by Bill Gammage. Aboriginal History 36 (2012): 185–87.

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