The Kavernacle is wrong about cyberpunk & Blade Runner 1982

Youtuber The Kavernacle has made three separate videos about the history of cyberpunk as a genre, and about the 1982 movie Blade Runner. In all three videos he makes serious errors about both subjects. These videos explain why The Kavernacle is wrong about cyberpunk and Blade Runner 1982. Abohela, Islam. “Future City in Science Fiction …

The Kavernacle is bad at history

Youtuber The Kavernacle mainly makes social commentary, media analysis, and political videos. Occasionally he comments on history, and often makes mistakes. This video demonstrates The Kavernacle is bad at history. See here for a written form of the arguments in the video. Addlakha, Renu. “Discursive and Institutional Intersections: Women, Health and Law in Modern India.” …

An anarchist perspective on Puerto Rico

This video is a conversation providing an anarchist perspective on Puerto Rico and the history of the Puerto Rico independence movement, with a Puerto Rican anarchist. Note this is a casual unscripted conversation intended as a contribution to a broader discussion, without the depth of research typical of my usual videos. However, my views have …

How to research & assess scholarly literature

By the time someone is in college, they should have already been taught basic information literacy to the extent that they can write a properly researched essay using reliable formal sources. This video explains how to research & assess scholarly literature. Amrhein, Valentin, David Trafimow, and Sander Greenland. “Inferential Statistics as Descriptive Statistics: There Is …

Havana Syndrome is a mythical medical condition | the facts

Havana Syndrome is the name given to a collection of apparent physiological symptoms reportedly experienced by US and Canadian government staff while in Cuba. Although it has been attributed to a range of causes, most commonly some kind of attack by Cuban government agents, this video explains that the majority of medical evidence indicates Havana …

How to understand historical sources | primary, secondary, & tertiary

If you study or read history long enough, especially at an academic level, you’ll soon come across references to sources, in particular what are referred to as primary, secondary, and tertiary historical sources. This video explains how to understand historical sources and where to find them. In the list of references below you can find …

When did the n-word become unacceptable?

When was the n-word first recognized as a slur? When did the n-word become unacceptable in broader society? When did the black community start reclaiming the term? This video not only answers these questions, but also presents evidence that controversy over white allies’ use of the term started as far back as the nineteenth century. …

Can you learn good history from Reddit?

Reddit is an online discussion community with an extremely bad reputation, mainly due to the broad range of opinions it has historically permitted. But the American Historical Association recommends the subreddit r/AskHistorians as a good source for history. Why is this? Can you learn good history from Reddit? This video explains you can, and explains …

Is this the most incompetent Afrocentrist on Twitter?

Twitter user Great House is arguably the most incompetent Afrocentrist on Twitter. This video shows how he cites sources he hasn’t validated, doesn’t know how to assess sources for accuracy, doesn’t understand how to read sources, doesn’t know how to do proper research, and even cites sources which clearly don’t support any of his own …