Is this the most incompetent Afrocentrist on Twitter?

Twitter user Great House is arguably the most incompetent Afrocentrist on Twitter. This video shows how he cites sources he hasn’t validated, doesn’t know how to assess sources for accuracy, doesn’t understand how to read sources, doesn’t know how to do proper research, and even cites sources which clearly don’t support any of his own statements.

Abolition💜Anarchy [@RunzLikeJazmine]. “@xspotsdamark Every Culture That Met Them Said WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK 🫢🤢 Https://T.Co/IfcaH3C6Fm.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 September 2023.

Amery, Katie, and Teni Gogo. KS3 History Depth Study: African Kingdoms eBook. Oxford University Press – Children, 2023.

Anderson, Kent. “A Confusion of Journals – What Is PubMed Now?” The Scholarly Kitchen, 7 September 2017.

Arana, Marie. Silver, Sword, and Stone: Three Crucibles in the Latin American Story. Simon and Schuster, 2020.

Baghoolizadeh, Beeta. “Reconstructing a Persian Past: Contemporary Uses and Misuses of the Cyrus Cylinder in Iranian Nationalist Discourse.” Ajam Media Collective, 6 June 2013.

Baron, Carol. Bach’s Changing World: Voices in the Community. University Rochester Press, 2006.

Benjamin, Thomas. The Atlantic World: Europeans, Africans, Indians and Their Shared History, 1400-1900. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Biernacki, Andrzej. “Andrzej B. Biernacki, Latrines in the Legionary Camp and Early-Byzantine City of Novae (Moesia Inferior/ Moesia Secunda), in: ACTUM ATQUE TRACTATUM, Novae. Studies and Materials, Vol.VIII, (Ed.) Elena Klenina, Poznañ 2022, Pp.67-94.” Pages 67–94 in , 2022.

Blanke, Louise. “A Farewell to Foricae : Changing Attitudes to Public Latrines in the Late Antique Near East and Asia Minor.” Antiquité Tardive 28 (2021): 177–92.

Bodenner, Chris. “Female Circumcision Is More Complicated Than You Think.” The Atlantic, 1 May 2015.

Burner, David. The American Scene: Varieties of American History. Ardent Media, 1971.

Courel, Blandine, John Meadows, Lara González Carretero, Alexandre Lucquin, Rowan McLaughlin, Manon Bondetti, Konstantin Andreev, Andrey Skorobogatov, Roman Smolyaninov, et al. “The Use of Early Pottery by Hunter-Gatherers of the Eastern European Forest-Steppe.” Quaternary Science Reviews 269 (2021): 107143.

Courel, Blandine, Harry K. Robson, Alexandre Lucquin, Ekaterina Dolbunova, Ester Oras, Kamil Adamczak, Søren H. Andersen, Peter Moe Astrup, Maxim Charniauski, et al. “Organic Residue Analysis Shows Sub-Regional Patterns in the Use of Pottery by Northern European Hunter–Gatherers.” Royal Society Open Science 7.4 (2020): 192016.

Cuénod, James. “Typing Text-Critical Sigla – BibleTech.” BibleTech, 10 May 2017.

Diel, Lori Boornazian. Aztec Codices: What They Tell Us about Daily Life. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2020.

Dolbunova, Ekaterina, Alexandre Lucquin, T. Rowan McLaughlin, Manon Bondetti, Blandine Courel, Ester Oras, Henny Piezonka, Harry K. Robson, Helen Talbot, et al. “The Transmission of Pottery Technology among Prehistoric European Hunter-Gatherers.” Nat Hum Behav 7.2 (2023): art. 2, pp. 171–83.

Esteban Lucumí [@GhostofOkello]. “@xspotsdamark 1600s Report on Allada Citizens & Their Ways ‘Men & Women Are Very Careful to Wash Their Bodies, Morning & Evening in Clean Pure Water & Anoint Them with Civet(Perfume)’ Https://T.Co/1K5dAwmw5e.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 September 2023.

europe1 [@europe133394753]. “@xspotsdamark Seems Unlikely The Amount of Witches Burnt in Europe from 14-18th Century Is Estimated to Be around 30-60k in Total. That Would Mean Carpzov Was Responsible for about Half Those Deaths. 20k Is One Sentence per Day for around 6 Years. Seems like a Tall Tale.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 August 2023.

Fall, Bernard B. “Education in the Republic of The Congo.” The Journal of Negro Education 30.3 (1961): 266.

Farias, P. F. de Moraes. “Silent Trade: Myth and Historical Evidence.” History in Africa 1 (1974): 9–24.

Farrokh, Kaveh. “Response to Spiegel Magazine’s Attack on the Legacy of Cyrus the Great.” Dr. Kaveh Farrokh, n.d.

Ferrari, Ivan. “La latrina occidentale delle Terme Centrali di Aquinum.” Atlante tematico di topografia antica: urbanistica e monumenti, strade, insediamenti e territorio. Atlante tematico di topografia antica 29. Roma: L’”Erma di Bretschneider”, 2019.

Florio, Emilia. “A Synergy between History of Mathematics and Mathematics Education: A Possible Path from Geometry to Symbolic Algebra.” Education Sciences 10.9 (2020): 243.

Fredrip Douglass🇺🇸 [@JohnECochran_]. “The Haitian Revolution Made Way for the Louisiana Purchase Which Vastly Expanded Slavery in the United States. To Say That It Thwarted America’s Plans to Expand Slavery Is Revisionist History. Https://T.Co/sJBkGVrgYX.” Tweet. Twitter, 6 September 2023.

———. “@xspotsdamark They Did Not Stop America from Expanding Slavery as You Claimed and in Fact Indirectly Contributed to Its Expansion in the US Which Is the Exact Opposite of What You Said.” Tweet. Twitter, 6 September 2023.

———. “@xspotsdamark You Went from Haiti Ended America’s Ambitions of Slavery to Saying Their Revolution Wasn’t the Top Reason Why It Actually Expanded… What Do We Gain from Playing These Games Bro?” Tweet. Twitter, 6 September 2023.

Freely, John. Aladdin’s Lamp. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2009.

Gibbons, Byann. “There’s No Such Thing as a ‘pure’ European—or Anyone Else.” Science, 15 May 2017.

Golden, Richard M. “Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Western Tradition” (n.d.).

Great House [@xspotsdamark]. “🤔” Tweet. Twitter, 14 October 2023.

———. “@2Misogyny @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs Wheel Is Overrated. It’s Not Quite Clear Who Invented the Wheel. It Might Have Been Europeans.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “3 Days Later & Still No One Has Been Able to Tell Me How the Wheel Was Instrumental to the Rise of Civilization. Most People Don’t Think for Themselves. They Just Follow the Crowd.” Tweet. Twitter, 10 September 2023.

———. “17th Century German Witch Hunter Benedikt Carpzov Sentenced 20,000 Women to Burn at the Stake for Witchcraft. While Europeans Were Going around the World Accusing Other Cultures of Human Sacrifice, European Christians Were Busy Liquidating European Women as Sacrifice to Yaweh Https://T.Co/YiJJC2Ytt9.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 August 2023.

———. “19th Century Egyptologist E.A. Wallis Budge on the Ancient Religions of Africa. Budge Believed the Religion of the Ancient Egyptians Origin in Central Africa. Https://T.Co/dWVsfF8Z6Z.” Tweet. Twitter, 14 August 2023.

———. “@111segs @WoLf_PaK_MeMbA Not Quite Accurate, Medieval Europeans Didn’t Bathe, but It Wasn’t Because the Didn’t Know How to. The Church Outlawed the Roman Public Baths. Only the Rich Could Afford Private Baths. The Average European Only Bathed in the Summer Because Hot Water Wasn’t Readily Available.” Tweet. Twitter, 6 August 2020.

———. “A 17th-Century Account of the First Meeting between between the King Frempung of Akyem (Ghana) & a White Man. Frempung Believed White Men Were Flesh-Eating Monsters from the Sea. Https://T.Co/tuWgcSX0Jb.” Tweet. Twitter, 22 September 2023.

———. “A Third of the British West African Squadron Were Africans, & Basically Did All the Work of Freeing Other Africans, Cos the British Sailors Were Too Pussy. Dr. Mary Wills of the William Wilberforce Institute Explains the Role of Africans in the Campaign. Https://T.Co/vDEL8jFEby.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 July 2023.

———. “@Absurd_Ruka @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad By Research, You Mean Western Approved Medicine. Circumcision Is Also Done to Infants.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “@Absurd_Ruka @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad Calling It FGM Is the Problem. My Americans Also Consider Gender Affirming Surgery Mutilation.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “@Absurd_Ruka @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad Calling It FGM Is the Problem. My Americans Also Consider Gender Affirming Surgery Mutilation.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “@Absurd_Ruka @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad Do You Also Consider Gender Confirmation Surgery Mutilation ?” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “@Absurd_Ruka @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad Have You Spoken to African Women & Read Any Literature Explaining the Practice to Know There’s No Valid Reasoning behind It?” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “According to European Researchers, Aurignacian People Looked like This and Are Not Related to Europeans. So, How Can You Guys Claim Their Culture as European Culture? Https://T.Co/b93kgYdc4k.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “Advance Negro Theory ‘Just Because African Men Aren’t Involved in Female Circumcision, This Means They Are Actually Involved’ If You Knew Anything, You’d Know Female Circumcision Has Little to Do with Sexuality Https://T.Co/JIk2eLsQOX.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “After the Fall of Rome, Europeans Didn’t Even Know How to Use the Potter’s Wheel. They Tried Producing Pottery without the Wheel, but It Was of Extremely Poor Quality. With the Exception of a Few Areas, Pottery Essentially Vanished from Europe for Hundreds of Years. Https://T.Co/Cw9BWH4m97.” Tweet. Twitter, 10 September 2023.

———. “@akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs I Covered That in My Thread Genius. The Wheel Was Pretty Much Useless until Steam Engine & Automobiles.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “All This Talk about Classical Music, One Black Guy Went to Europe & Took over the Entire Classical Music Scene. Took Their Aristocratic Women. Eurocucks Were so Butthurt That They Tried to Ban His Performances & Even Physically Assaulted Him. Https://T.Co/XPdtub5Osk.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “All Those You Name Are Recent Instruments, All Based on Older Instruments That Did Not Originate in Europe. Like I Said, No European Culture Invented a Single Musical Instrument for Thousands of Years & They Never Did so Independently. Every Other Culture Did.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 September 2023.

———. “Apparently, Ancient Europeans Invented This Hollowed out Bamboo Stick Instrument Called a Lur (They Didn’t). Https://T.Co/KhSbjds7cZ.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 September 2023.

———. “@ArchieUnbanned That Text Is from History of the Modern World by Robert Roswell Palmer. It Is Also the Standard World History Textbook in Most American Universities.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 September 2023.

———. “Aryan Invasion Is a Myth. There’s No Evidence for It. It’s Just Some Copium Europeans Came up with as an Explanation for Why They Share the Same Language Family with Indians. They Couldn’t Accept the Reality That Proto Indians Were Running through European Women in Antiquity Https://T.Co/uHPcNl4xEV.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “Before the Rise of the Steam-Powered Locomotives, Wheel Utility Was Severely Limited to Short-Range Transportation, Luxury Chariots & Warfare. All This Recent Noise about the Wheel Is White Copium & Revisionism.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 September 2023.

———. “@BlkIlluminism @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad Even the U.N’s Experts on the Subject Agree Https://T.Co/OWFJwMW4Im.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “British Explorer & Medical Doctor Robert Felkin’s Account of Cesarean Section Birth He Witnessed in Uganda in 1897. Https://T.Co/7vhmIWVdR9.” Tweet. Twitter, 31 July 2023.

———. “Brits Literally Stole Industrial Revolution Ironwork Techniques from Africans. Enslaved Africans in America Made Pioneered Steel Production & Made America the Preeminent Steel Producer in the World. Africans Contributed the Most to Ironworks than Any Other Culture. Https://T.Co/qXe6qXy0yx.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “Did You Know That the Catholic Church Prohibits Clergy from Getting Married, Not Because of Christian Doctrine, but Because in Medieval Europe, the Wives & Children of Clergy Used to Inherit Church Land & Property When the Spouses Died.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023.

———. “@DmitriThaSheep @RafFaithfull @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs That the Wheel Wasn’t Instrumental to the Rise of Civilization & Early Human Development as Most People Are Claiming Today. The Wheel Had Limited Application for Most of Its Existence. To Claim Otherwise Is Revisionism. Ancient Egypt Didn’t Have the Wheel for Most of Its History.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “Dr @RaymondLavertue Alleged Professor of African History. I’m Challenging You to Provide Evidence That Mansa Musa Enslaved Anyone or Traded Slaves.” Tweet. Twitter, 25 September 2023.

———. “Dude, Europeans Went around Africa, Claiming That All Advanced African Cultures Were Jews or Caucasians. The Claimed Ashanti Were Jews Because Their Sandals Were Too Good to Be African. They Claimed Shona Were Jews Because Africans Couldn’t Build Great Zimbabwe Https://T.Co/jrkOcvsNhK.” Tweet. Twitter, 14 October 2023.

———. “@ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad African Men Don’t Engage in FGM Either. That’s Entirely Women’s Practice, Which African Women Have Angecy & Every Right to Engage in. It Can’t Be Misogyny.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “@europe133394753 The Man Personally Admitted to It. His Witch Hunting Career Spanned over 20 Years.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 August 2023.

———. “European Culture Has Historically Been More Violent & Warlike than African Culture Because of Western Man’s Inability to Deal with Paradoxes. Africans Fought over Material Recourses. Once Those Resources Were Acquired or Were Plentiful, Africans Stopped Fighting.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “@EuropeanAutocr1 I Haven’t Seen Any Solid Evidence That They Did. Besides, I Don’t Dislike Europeans, I’m Just Pushing Back against the Centuries of Eurocentric Propaganda That Has Caused White People to Lose Their Minds.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023.

———. “@EuropeanAutocr1 Random Website.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023.

———. “@EuropeanAutocr1 True, Romans Used Ice. But the Icemen Couldn’t Use Ice. Pathetic.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023.

———. “Europeans Lived in Ice for Thousands of Years but Couldn’t Find Any Uses for Ice. Arabs Had to Come Show Them Ice Could Be Used to Preserve Food & Cool Drinks. Heck, Ancient Egyptians from the Desert Went to Mountain Tops to Harvest Ice to Make Fruit Drinks.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023.

———. “Even the Ancient Greeks Knew Mass Enslavement of People Was Bad Policy 2000 Years Ago. According to Aristotle, Indiscriminate Enslavement of People Was Wrong Because It Reduced People Who Would’ve Been Otherwise Productive in Other Fields into Simple Tools.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “Even the Commander of French Colonial Forces in Africa Alfred-Amédée Dodds Was a French-Senegalese Biracial. Dodds Went on to Have a Very Illustrious Career, Which Included Suppressing the Boxer Rebellion in China & Commanding French Troops in the French-Indochina War Https://T.Co/15rHHy8fQa.” Tweet. Twitter, 19 August 2023.

———. “@Fallway0816 @VeetosBack @Eugene_Scott Romans Got All Those Things from Greeks, Who Got It from Egyptians. Europeans Thought the Concept of Antibiotics Was Superstition.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 September 2022.

———. “@felicitatuss Were Those Nations Invaded, Enslaved & Colonized by Arabs & Europeans for a Thousand Years? Also, Do You Know What Europe Looked like When It Was in Grips of Christian Fanatism? Ever Hear of the Dark Ages & Spanish Inquisition ?” Tweet. Twitter, 29 April 2021.

———. “France Made It a War of Annihilation. They Had a Peace Agreement with Toussaint, Which France Broke & Vowed to Eliminate All Haitian Adults & Replace Them with New Slaves from Africa. They Set the Terms & the Haitians Obliged. Can’t Cry about the Rules You Set.” Tweet. Twitter, 6 October 2023.

———. “Fun Fact. Not a Single European Culture Invented a Musical Instrument for Thousands of Years. Every Other Prehistoric Culture Figured out Music, except Europeans. Every Musical Instrument in Europe Originated Someplace Else.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 September 2023.

———. “@HempCusto If You Believe the Slave Trade Happened, Who Do You Think Was Trafficked in the Slave Trade & What Became of Those People?” Tweet. Twitter, 30 March 2023.

———. “Here Is an Article That Appeared in the Philadelphia Mercury Newspaper in 1888 about the Very Common Practice of Making Leather out of the Skin of Black People. This Ignorant Buffoon Is Trying to Make Light of the Cruelties Perpetrated on Black People by Whites. Https://T.Co/Erhq0XQQcv.” Tweet. Twitter, 14 October 2023.

———. “Historically, Black Men Have Produced the Most Egalitarian Societies in the World. There’s a Reason Why Precolonial African Societies Historically Had More Female Leaders than the Rest of the World Combined.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 October 2023.

———. “History Books Really Convinced Us That Early Humans Used to Hunt Woolly Mammoths with Spears. That Animal Weighed 5 Tons, with a Speed of 24 Mph. Imagine Trying to Stop a Uhual Truck with a Spear. That’s How I Know Most of Ancient History Is Bullshit. They Just Make Shit up Https://T.Co/Fq9eYxguEE.” Tweet. Twitter, 30 July 2023.

———. “Https://T.Co/CU8nMLEj0O.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 May 2023.

———. “Https://T.Co/DoSdSb3ZiB.” Tweet. Twitter, 6 July 2023.

———. “I Guarantee You That I Have Forgotten More about World History than You’ll Ever Learn in a Hundred Years. By the Way, European ‘Classical Music’ Is Just Arab Music Remixed. Euros Are Not That Creative. Https://T.Co/NDe6z5ZrQ9.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 September 2023.

———. “I Just Wanna Remind All Christians That Jesus Said It Was Sinful to Wash Your Hands (Mark 7:3). Don’t Let This Scientists Trick You into a Sinful Path. Stay Faithful.” Tweet. Twitter, 12 March 2020.

———. “I Knew I Was Right Https://T.Co/Dv5wVUXqdq.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 September 2023.

———. “I Vote for Democrats Simply Because the Overwhelming Majority of White People Vote for Republicans. If You Find Yourself on the Same Side as the White Majority, Then Something Has Got Terribly Awry 🤷🏿‍♂️.” Tweet. Twitter, 6 October 2023.

———. “If Cleopatra Lived in Greece Instead of Egypt, y’all Wouldn’t Know What She Looked like Because She Would’ve Been Veiled up from Head to Toe. The Ancient Greeks (except for Sparta) Were on That Taliban Type Beat.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “If You Ever Read the Norse Eddas & the Indian Vedas, They’re Filled with Myths of Pale Skin People Waging War on Dark Skin People & Creatures. I Have a Theory That These Myths Are an Allegorical Retelling of the Aryan Conquest of Eurasia from the Original Dark Skin Natives.” Tweet. Twitter, 14 July 2023.

———. “I’m Doing a Series of Threads on the Role & Treatment of Women in Ancient Societies. I’m Going to Cover the Ancient Greeks, Ancient Egyptians, Nubians, Persians , Romans, Assyrians, Ancient Arabs, Celts, Germanic People, West Africans & Bantu. I’ll Start with the Greeks.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 July 2023.

———. “I’m Reading This Book about How Pope Pius XI Ordered the Destruction of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church for Heresy. The Catholic Church Not Only Openly Supported the Italian Invasion of Ethiopia, but Thousands of Ethiopian Clergy Were Massacred on Direct Orders from the Pope Https://T.Co/QlBsP7Bui7.” Tweet. Twitter, 14 October 2023.

———. “In the 15th Century, Britain’s Most Lucrative Industry Was Wool (and Polishing French Dick). The Problem with Wool Is That It Shrunk Every Time It Was Washed, so People Wouldn’t Wash Wool Clothing, Causing It to Stink. Only Poor Europeans Wore Wool. The Wealthy Wore Cotton & Silk.” Tweet. Twitter, 22 September 2023.

———. “In the 1904 Olympic Games in St Louis, Missouri, Americans Went to Congo & Abducted African Tribesmen & Forced Them to Compete against Professional White Athletes to Prove the Superiority of the White Race. Https://T.Co/w98Y33rRvz.” Tweet. Twitter, 30 June 2023.

———. “In the Early Years of the Industrial Revolution, Almost All Industrial Machinery in England Was Built to Support & Facilitate the Slave Economy. The Majority of Steel Plants in England Mainly Produced Rollers & Spindles for the Cotton Gin. Railroads Mainly Moved Cotton & Sugar Https://T.Co/n6nwHuuNs5.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “In the Time the West African Squadron Was in Operation, over 2.6 Million Africans Were Trafficked across the Atlantic. The West African Squadron Wasn’t Particularly Interested in Stopping the Slave Trade. They Were More Interested in Extorting Local African Chiefs Https://T.Co/eqMgl3m60F.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 July 2023.

———. “In This 1776 Account, British Chaplain & Slave Trader Rev John Lindsay Is Surprised That Africans Bathe Twice a Day. He Also Tacitly Admits That European Are Unhygienic & Don’t Bathe Https://T.Co/NSHbX67cYX.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 September 2023.

———. “It’s Talked about Enough How Liberia Pretty Much Ended the Transatlantic Slave Trade on the Windward Coast Number Slaves from Windward Coast before Liberia = 300,000 Number of Slaves from Windward Coast after the Founding of Liberia = 43,000. (0 from Liberia Territory).” Tweet. Twitter, 16 October 2023.

———. “@JohnECochran_ @nigellewinsom13 I’m Saying America Was Going to Expand Slavery Regardless of If They Acquired the Louisiana Territory or Not. The Haitian Revolution Sparked Multiple Slave Revolts in America, Including the John Brown Raid, Which Directly Sparked the Civil War.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 September 2023.

———. “@Josi_Elewa Look up Ibn al Haytham. Isaac Newton Literally Cited Haytham in His Works. Haytham Was Doing Calculus 500 Years before Isaac Newton. This Should Be Common Knowledge Https://T.Co/Y0InpQCG7q.” Tweet. Twitter, 10 July 2023.

———. “Just so We’re Clear, Everyone Is in Agreement That Africans Had the Wheel Because Pulleys like These Were Used in West Africa for Centuries to Draw Water from Wells? Https://T.Co/CMzNIEWhMl.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “@Kamjiverse Why Are the Bantu Cultures so Closely Related If They Don’t Share Common Origin?” Tweet. Twitter, 6 October 2023.

———. “King Kpengla of Dahomey Said This in 1788 to British Emissaries after Being Informed by Them That Dahomey Had Become Central to the Slave Trade Abolition Debate Back in England. Deeply Insightful & Still One of My Favorite Historical African Texts. Https://T.Co/jZyuAgxnxL.” Tweet. Twitter, 17 March 2023.

———. “@_Luke2123 Not by the Emancipated Slaves. One of the Conditions for Funding the Colony by the Abolitionists Was That Slavery Be Outlawed. The Constitution of Liberia Explicitly Forbids Slavery in 3 Different Clauses. Https://T.Co/zRIwc0poV3.” Tweet. Twitter, 16 October 2023.

———. “@MalikAremu1 Https://T.Co/8AMNogeNwN.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “Man Has Never Heard of Ibn Al-Haytham. I Need to Stop Arguing with Ignorant People Https://T.Co/OCLongIEEM.” Tweet. Twitter, 10 July 2023.

———. “Michael Bradley on the ‘Abnormal Violence’ of the Western World. Https://T.Co/puv26mQmbq.” Tweet. Twitter, 17 August 2023.

———. “Nah, Blacks Were Genuinely the Nicest People in All of History. Stop Lying on Our Ancestors Https://T.Co/f7JVNag4Ri.” Tweet. Twitter, 17 August 2023.

———. “Name for Me All the Great Things Europeans Accomplished with the Wheel from 5000 BC to 1000 AD.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “Next Level Coping Https://T.Co/5KREcrqFlC.” Tweet. Twitter, n.d.

———. “One of the Reasons I Encourage Africans to Either Adopt African Traditional Religions or Atheism Is Because Abrahamic Religions Are by Their Nature Ethnocentric. Very Few African Christians or Muslims Maintain an African Worldview.” Tweet. Twitter, 12 October 2023.

———. “One, They Never Conceived of the Idea of Mass Chattel Slavery. Two, Technology Hadn’t Evolved to the Point of Allowing Machine Industrialization.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “Only If You Don’t Count Crimes like Rape, Sexual Assault, Children Molestation, Kidnapping, Etc…as Violent Crimes. Whites Are in the 75 to 85 Percentile in These Categories. Blacks Only Lead in Murder & Robbery. These Are Socioeconomic Crimes. White Crimes Are Pathological.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 September 2023.

———. “@pegobry @VeetosBack @Eugene_Scott The Kingdom of Kilwa Had Indoor Plumbing Centuries before Many European Cities Did. European Don’t Bathe, They Carry Disease Wherever They Go. Vaccines for the Diseases Europeans Brought with Them? Europeans Bring the Wheel to Africa Is a Joke.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 September 2022.

———. “People Just Lie about Liberia. A 1930 League of Nations Committee Determined; -There Was No Slavery in Liberia. – The Natives Practiced Traditional Forms of Servitude Common in West Africa – Corrupt Government Officials Abused the Compulsory Labor System Https://T.Co/dLSSUb77Ws.” Tweet. Twitter, 16 October 2023.

———. “Persians Were the First Society in Recorded History to Write a Bill of Rights, Guaranteeing Freedom of Religion & Equality under the Law. They Also Declared That All Conquered People under Persian Rule Had the Same Rights as Persian Citizens.” Tweet. Twitter, 14 May 2023.

———. “Please Stop Responding with That ‘Neanderthal Flute.’ That Shit Wasn’t a Flute & It’s Extremely Hilarious That You Are We Wuzzing an Entire Different Hominid Species 🤣🤣 Https://T.Co/c4ev0CU7rN.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “Pope Innocent IV Excommunicated Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II for Several Offenses, Which Included ‘Bathing Daily.’ Europeans Smelled so Foul That Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Famously Remarked, ‘Since We All Stink, No One Stinks.’” Tweet. Twitter, 9 September 2023.

———. “Portuguese Navigator Vasco Da Gama Is Credited with Discovering the Sea Route to India, Even Though Vasco Da Gama Himself Wrote That He Hired an Indian Navigator in Kenya to Show Him the Route to India. All Vasco Da Gama Accomplished Was Sail around Africa. Https://T.Co/CxdpF6tzoE.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023.

———. “@RafFaithfull @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs ALL THOSE ARE MODERN INVENTIONS. WHAT WAS THE WHEEL USED FOR THE FIRST 5000 YEARS OF ITS EXISTENCE BESIDES CHARIOT WARSAW? ARE YOU PEOPLE SLOW?” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “@RafFaithfull @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs The Wheel Had Been in Existence for Close to 5000 Years before All These.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “@RafFaithfull @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs Wheel Invented – 5000 Bc Middle Ages – 500 Ad That’s a 5500-Year Gap.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “@RafFaithfull @DmitriThaSheep @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs You Guys Keep Moving the Goalpost. You Went from the Transport Wheel to Include All Circular Objects. If That’s the Definition, Then Every Single Culture in the World Had the Wheel. Africans & Mesoamericans Used Pulleys & Wooden Rollers. So Everyone Had the Wheel, Right ?” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “Remember the 1904 Olympics in St Louis Missouri When White People Went to Congo & Abducted African Tribesmen & Forced Them to Compete against Professional White Athletes to Prove the Superiority of the White Rice? It’s the Same Mentality We See on Display Here Every Day. Https://T.Co/dImGCHhwbD.” Tweet. Twitter, 29 June 2023.

———. “Reminder That the Only Thing European Built in Prehistory Were Piles of Shit & Animal Remains. By the Way, This Text Is from History Of The Modern World by Robert Roswell Palmer, Which Is the Standard World History Textbook in Most American Universities Https://T.Co/3bzoM6jJWm.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “Removing an Evil Cracka Spirit from a Cracka Is as Hard as Removing the Stink from a Hunk of Shit. We Must Use These Tools That Black Jesus Has given Us to Fight Crackas. Bathing Soap, Seasoned Food, an Educated Black Man. These Things Strike Fear in the Heart of a Cracka.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 September 2019.

———. “@ReyNemaattori @VeetosBack @Eugene_Scott Rome Was More of a Mediterranean Civilization than a European One. The Romans Didn’t Think Very Highly of Europeans.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 September 2022.

———. “@_rumble_bee_ Why Is It Called the Byzantine Empire? Why Is the Fall of Rome 476 Instead of 1453?” Tweet. Twitter, 6 October 2023.

———. “Slavery Was a Europen Problem. According to Research Done by Historian Moses Finley, There Were Only Five Genuine Slave Societies in All of Human History; Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, The American South, Brazil, and The Caribbean. And They Were All European Societies. Https://T.Co/G03gZS9AD9.” Tweet. Twitter, 26 September 2023.

———. “Someone Explain to Me How Mali Was Trading Slaves for Gold When Mali Was the Largest Gold Producer in the World. Mansa Musa Gave Away so Much Gold That the Value of Gold Plummeted for a Decade. You’d Think That Would Crash the Mali Economy If They Were Trading Slaves for Gold Https://T.Co/RCCfAT0X04.” Tweet. Twitter, 24 October 2023.

———. “Spies In The Congo Extensively Covers This Period in Congo. There’s Additional Information on Congo in White Malice by the Same Author, Susan Williams Https://T.Co/kiZ6IMXXRJ.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 July 2023.

———. “@stendhal_syndr Https://T.Co/7JMTVa9Lsu.” Tweet. Twitter, 16 May 2023.

———. “The Americo-Liberians Dominated the Leadership Because They Overwhelmingly Lived in Urban Centers under the Liberian State for Most of Its Early History. The Natives Lived in Rural Areas under Traditional Chiefs, Which the Government Had Little to No Jurisdiction Over.” Tweet. Twitter, 16 October 2023.

———. “The Ancient Greeks Make the Taliban Look like Simps When It Comes to the Treatment of Women. Probably the Most Regressive Culture in History Concerning the Role of Women in Society. That Part of Ancient Greek History Is Usually Overlooked.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “The British Navy Intercepted Just 5% of All Slave Ships. They Had No Naval Supremacy. Slavery Ended Because the Financial & Humsn Cost to Maintain Slave Colonies Was Too High. British Soldiers Rather Deserted That Severe in the Caribbean. Https://T.Co/EGMLwmmcid.” Tweet. Twitter, 29 October 2023.

———. “The First Coup D’etat in Africa Post Independence Was the Overthrow of Togolese President Sylvanus Olympio. Togo Had Originally Been a German Colony. During WW1, Togo Was Invaded by French & British Troops in 1914. They Defeated German Colonial Troops & Split Togo in Two Parts.” Tweet. Twitter, 11 July 2023.

———. “The Irony of This Image Comparing the Mundari Practice of Dousing Themselves in Cow Urine to the Romans Is That the Romans Also Used Not Just Cow Urine but Also Human & Other Animals’ Urine for the Exact Same Purpose; as an Antiseptic. The Romans Washed Their Mouths with Urine Https://T.Co/CfWwDqxk3U.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “The Kouroukan Fouga,Written in the 13th Century Was the Constitution of the Mali Empire (Manden Kurufaba). Not Only Is It One of the Most Important African Texts in History, It Also Provides a Rare Insight into West African Worldview of the Period. Https://T.Co/1elJ1PasLm.” Tweet. Twitter, 30 December 2022.

———. “The ‘Legendary’ British West African Squadron Was Nothing but an Extortion Racket That Went around Accusing Coastal African Chieftains & Merchants of Slave Trading, Confiscating They Goods & Property to Be Auctioned off and Pocketing the Money.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 August 2023.

———. “The Movie Oppenheimer Will Be Releasing Soon, I’m Sure, to Critical Acclaim. Just a Reminder That to Secure the Uranium for the Bomb, America Went on a Bloody Rampage in Congo That Would Permanently Destabilize That Country & Ultimately Claim the Lives of over 100,000 Congolese..” Tweet. Twitter, 6 July 2023.

———. “The Original Newspaper Article Can Be Found Here 👇🏿 Https://T.Co/6VBzqIJLPF.” Tweet. Twitter, 14 October 2023.

———. “The Persians Outlawed Slavery & Freed All the Slaves in Every Society They Conquered, While in Many Greek Cities, Sparta Included, Slaves Outnumbered Free Greeks & Were Routinely Subjected to Wanton Violence. The Spartans Engage in Yearly Mass Slaughter of the Helots for Sport.” Tweet. Twitter, 14 May 2023.

———. “The Romans Wiped Their Asses with Sea Sponges Attached to a Stick (Tersorium). There Was One in Every Community Restroom & Everyone Used the Same Stick. After Taking a Shit, They Rinsed It off & Left for the next User. Https://T.Co/v458w403BR.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 September 2023.

———. “The Wheel Was Never More Important until Recently. The Wheel by Itself Is Useless. Wheeled Transportation Requires Wheels, an Axle Connection, Bearings Allowing the Wheel to Turn & Sufficiently Hard & Level Ground to Move across. All These Made the Wheel a Special Purpose Device.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 September 2023.

———. “There’s a Reason Mathematics & All Scientific Computations Are Done Using Arabic Numerals ( Which Are Technically Hindu Numerals) and Not Roman Numerals. Find out Why, and You’ll Get All the Answers to All Your Questions.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “These Are Industries Not Directly to Slavery but Which Benefitted Tremendously from the Financial Stimulus Provided by the Slave Industry. The Claim That the Industrial Revolution Wasn’t Underpinned by the Slave Trade Is Historical Revisionism.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “These Are the Only Eyewitness Accounts of Mansa Musa & His Pilgrimage to Mecca. The First from al-Umari, Who Was a Contemporary of Mansa Musa. The Second from Ibn Khaldun, Who Interviewed a Companion of Mansa Musa a Decade Later. Https://T.Co/9FgYTOuoPU.” Tweet. Twitter, 25 September 2023.

———. “They Began with ‘Africans Didn’t Have Wheeled Transport.’ I Proved That Wheeled Transport Was Rare across the World & Not Widely Used. They Moved the Goalpost to Poetry Wheel, Wheeled Pulley & Water Wheel. They’re Not Interested in Facts. They Just Want to Stroke Their Egos.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “They Went from ‘Mansa Musa Was One of the Biggest Slave Traders in History & Had 12,000 Slaves on His Pilgrimage’ to ‘Well, Mali Had Slaves at the Time, Also His Brother Also Had Slaves’ Https://T.Co/zBYuglfzKw.” Tweet. Twitter, 26 September 2023.

———. “Third Most Depraved Society in History after Antebellum America & Roman Empire. Makes Total Sense That Greece Is the Birthplace of Western (Un)Civilization.” Tweet. Twitter, 22 September 2023.

———. “This Goes Back to What I Said Earlier about Europeans Erasing the Last Thousand Years of the Roman Empire Because They Were Unceremoniously Defeated by Ottoman Muslims. They Want to Preserve the Image of the Glorious Roman Empire Felled by Equally Valiant Germanic Whites.” Tweet. Twitter, 6 October 2023.

———. “Vasco Da Gama Also Used Instruments & Calculations Developed by Indians but Changed the Measuring Units to Inches. This Sent the Template for Subsequent European Navigators. Columbus’ Navigators Couldn’t Properly Understand the Measurements, so They Bumbled Their Way to America.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023.

———. “@VeetosBack @Eugene_Scott Africans Knew about Inoculation before Europeans. Https://T.Co/G0MuU2wjTS.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 September 2022.

———. “Weird Fact about Romans: They Were Obsessed with the Blond Hair of Northern Europeans. They Scalped Germanic People to Make Blond Wigs. They Even Made Blond Wigs for Their Statues. They Forced Prostitutes to Wear Blond Wigs. Https://T.Co/ULF9qerriK.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023.

———. “Well, According to Their Own Official Records, the British West African Squadron Freed 150 Thousand Africans from Slave Ships, a Success Rate of 6%. Considering That British Slave Traders Trafficked 3.4 Million Africans into Slavery, Judge for Yourself If They Stopped Slavery.” Tweet. Twitter, 9 July 2023.

———. “Western Researchers Actually Studied Cow Urine to Find out If It Has Any Medicinal Properties. They Found Quite a Few. Next, They’ll Bottle It & Call It a Miracle Cure. Meanwhile, y’all Are Worried about What Racist Think of You on Social Media Https://T.Co/n8ycU8NuLQ.” Tweet. Twitter, 25 October 2023.

———. “Wheels Were Relatively Late to Human Development. Stone Tools, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Metallurgy, Etc… Were More Important & Took Precedent. Mesoamerican Cultures & Ancient Egyptians Reached Highly Advanced Cultural Stages without Use If the Wheel.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 September 2023.

———. “When Congo Gained Independence from Belgium in 1960, There Were Just 16 Congolese with University Education in the Entire Country. Belgium Had Pledged to Develop Congo in Exchange for Its Resources, but in 50 Years, Belgium Sent Less than 20 Congolese to College in Belgium.” Tweet. Twitter, 27 September 2023.

———. “When European Crusaders Invaded the Levant, Arabs Offered Them Chilled Drinks & They Went Crazy over It. Arabs Made a Drink Called Sherbet, Which Was Crushed Ice Mixed with Fruit Juice & Milk. Europeans Loved It so Much They Adopted It as Sorbet, Which Became Ice Cream.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023.

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———. “@xspotsdamark The Romans Used Ice to Cool Their Food.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023.

———. “@xspotsdamark You Have to Really Dislike Europeans to Claim They Didn’t Use Ice as a Food Preservation Methode. Ice Houses Were Used Many Different Places in Europe.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023.

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Rafael Higonnet-Faithfull [@RafFaithfull]. “@xspotsdamark @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs Water Wheels, Flywheels, the Spinning Wheel, Cogwheels, Windmills, Gears, Pulleys, Block and Tackle, Verge Escapements, Gutenberg’s Printing Press, Propellers, Screws and Turbines Are Not Only Useful, but the Very Things That Led to the Steam Engine and the Industrial Revolution!” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “@xspotsdamark @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs Wrong. Every Single Thing There Is a Pre-Industrial Technology. Waterwheels, Windmills, Spinning Wheels, and Cogwheels Are All Ancient Technologies, Used Extensively in the Middle Ages, and Extremely Instrumental to the Industrial Revolution. Https://T.Co/b8LErEQDG1.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “@xspotsdamark @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs Yeah, and These Are All Technologies Incorporating Wheels, Which Are Not Modern—Unlike What You Said. Most Are Ancient Technologies. All of These Technologies Were Used Extensively in the Middle Ages—e.g. Water Wheels—and Were Extremely Instrumental in the Industrial Revolution.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

———. “@xspotsdamark @DmitriThaSheep @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs Wrong. I Never Went from Anything. In Fact, I Talked Solely about the Wheel as Used for Energy. Look at Every Single Thing I Listed Here. Every Single One Is a Technology Used for Energy, Not Transportation.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023.

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———. “@xspotsdamark @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad It’s Not a Problem, That’s What It Is. It’s Permanent Damage without Any Valid Reasoning. If Someone Thinks Gender Affirming Care Is the Same, They Just Haven’t Done the Research.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “@xspotsdamark @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad I’ve Looked at the Research Regarding It. Almost All of It Unanimously Says It Is Extremely Harmful and Unnecessary Https://Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/Pmc/Articles/PMC6079349/ Feel Free to Link Any Studies or Research That Prove Otherwise.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “@xspotsdamark @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad Just Because Women Do Something Doesn’t Mean It Can’t Be Misogynistic. It Is Quit Literally Mutilation.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

———. “@xspotsdamark @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad ‘Western Approved Medicine’. What Are You Talking about? There Are Comprehensive Studies That Go over This. I’ll Link Them If You Want to Read Comparing Gender Affirming Care to FGM Is an Unserious Position.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023.

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———. “@Stretchmarx1 @xspotsdamark @gogopedroe I’ve Read the Text in Question. That Screenshot Is Not the Document Itself. It’s Not Even Half the Text & It Barely Qualifies as a Translation given How Far It Departs from the Source Material. Can You Tell Me Who the Translator Was, and Where That ‘Translation’ Came From?” Tweet. Twitter, 16 May 2023.

———. “@xspotsdamark @gogopedroe This Is Not What I Asked for. Do You Have What I Asked for? Do You Know What a Critical Text Is?” Tweet. Twitter, 15 May 2023.

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