TIK History is wrong about Gnosticism

TIKHistory is a military history Youtuber well known for citing sources explicitly in his videos. He’s often ok with military history, but when he steps outside that area he often makes mistakes. These videos show how TIK is wrong about Gnosticism. Backus, Irena. Reformation Readings of the Apocalypse: Geneva, Zurich, and Wittenberg. Oxford University Press, …

Albert Einstein: socialist critic of the Soviet Union

Despite never aligning himself to any specific party, Einstein was a dedicated and outspoken socialist, even at the most dangerous of times, risking both political censure and government persecution. However, as this video explains, he was also a socialist critic of the Soviet Union, despite having strong sympathy for the Russian socialist cause and aims. …

History Youtube’s James Somerton problem

As I’m writing this, it’s 10 December 2023, just seven days after Hbomberguy, a Youtuber with 1.47 million subscribers, uploaded a nearly four hour video exposing a number of well known Youtubers as serial plagiarists, spending nearly half of the video’s time on James Somerton, a particularly egregious offender. The fallout has been extensive, and …

Edward Dutton’s pseudo-academia: racism & fake credentials

There’s a Youtube channel called “Prof. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic”. If you look at the video titles you’ll find they’re fixated on IQ, fertility, genetics, and something he calls “spiteful mutants”. He cites numerous scholarly papers, including many of his own publications. However, he is a fraud. This video explains Dutton is not a …

Vampire killing kits are frauds | here’s how you can tell

You’ve probably seen those supposedly antique vampire hunting or killing kits online. Some of them have been sold for huge amounts of money. But they’re all fraudulent; no such kit ever existed historically, and the earliest examples don’t seem to date any earlier than the 1970s. This video shows you how to tell that vampire …

Myths about the Islamic Golden Age

The European Middle Ages have historically been known as the Dark Ages, while the Muslim world during the same period is popularly depicted as scientifically advanced. However, the difference between them has been exaggerated greatly, and pop history is full of myths about the Islamic Golden Age. These videos examine a wide range of myths …

Were the Nazis socialists? | why TIKhistory is wrong

Were the Nazis socialists? Popular Youtuber TIKhistory claims they were, but the overwhelming majority of mainstream economists and historians, from the Nazi era to the current day, disagrees. These videos address TIK’s arguments. Activities (1938-1944), United States Congress House Special Committee on Un-American. Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States. Vol. 6. Washington, …

Did the British use smallpox against Aboriginal Australians?

In 1789 there was a sudden outbreak of smallpox in an area of Australia called Sydney by the British colonizers who had just settled there, with horrific consequences for the Aboriginal Australian population. Did the British use smallpox against Aboriginal Australians? This video shows there is strong evidence that the colonizers infected the Aboriginal people …