Why I won’t apologize to this Afrocentrist

On 20 December 2023, I uploaded a video entitled “Is this the worst Afrocentrist on Twitter?”, in which I critiqued an Afrocentrist twitter user called Great House. On 15 March 2024 he made two tweets in which he attempted to defend two of his previous claims, and demanded an apology from me. In this video I explain why I won’t apologize to this Afrocentrist.

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Relevant tweets

Great House [@xspotsdamark]. “After the Fall of the Western Roman Empire, Most of Western Europe Regressed into the Stone Age for 500 Years, & Would’ve Been Stuck There for Another 500 Years If Not for the Arab Invasion of Hispania.” Tweet. Twitter, 14 March 2024. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1768391243011092592.

———. “@caritas_et Also Provide Evidence That Mansa Musa Traded Slaves & Took 12,000 of Them on Pilgrimage.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 March 2024. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1768595764274470958.

———. “@caritas_et I Expect a Retraction & Public Apology Https://T.Co/4MWd7781Pj.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 March 2024. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1768497385343259092.

———. “@caritas_et ‘In Mansa Musa’s Country, They Only Used Slave Women for Transport, Proving Very Clearly That Mansa Musa Did Indeed Enslave People….’ If I Said ‘In John Adams’ Country, They Only Use Slaves for Farm Labor, Proving Very Clearly That John Adams Did Indeed Enslave People.’” Tweet. Twitter, 15 March 2024. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1768600042288361943.

———. “@caritas_et You Claimed a Total of 60,000 Witches Were Killed. Evidence Says It’s 200,000 T0 500,000. Https://T.Co/f9xAJMk0fW.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 March 2024. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1768588881136398552.

———. “@caritas_et You Falsely Accused Me of Claiming There Was No Slavery in Mali, Even Though I Specifically Asked for Evidence That Mansa Musa Personally Owned & Sold Slaves. That’s like Saying There Was Slavery in America,t Herefore, John Adams Was a Slave Owner & Slave Trader.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 March 2024. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1768590477148794967.

———. “@caritas_et You’re Going to Owe Me an Apology for That Slanderous Video Https://T.Co/mkzsZjjw1t.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 March 2024. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1768491508510892081.

———. “@FLINTY87111084 @Arri_ade Even British Hero Mungo Park Noted That Slavery in Africa Wasn’t the Same Practice as in the West. Slaves in Africa before Europeans Were Treated as Family & Could Own Property. It Was More Akin to a Social Caste.” Tweet. Twitter, 24 March 2024. https://x.com/xspotsdamark/status/1771733719579054100.

———. “@FLINTY87111084 @GrinningG2001 @Flzr80 @tisdalisms @ConditorCancri On the Museum Website, It Says the Buildings Were Constructed in Greek Manner. And It Was Built by Celts. They Had to Copy Someone Else. I Know How Germany Looked 2000 Years. The Romans Wrote about It. You Lived in Shit Covered Holes in the Ground. Hitler Knew Https://T.Co/OhzpLWzc12.” Tweet. Twitter, 20 February 2024. https://x.com/xspotsdamark/status/1759803577114014173.

———. “Historically, Black Men Have Produced the Most Egalitarian Societies in the World. There’s a Reason Why Precolonial African Societies Historically Had More Female Leaders than the Rest of the World Combined.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 October 2023. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1713665425408430212.

———. “It’s Talked about Enough How Liberia Pretty Much Ended the Transatlantic Slave Trade on the Windward Coast Number Slaves from Windward Coast before Liberia = 300,000 Number of Slaves from Windward Coast after the Founding of Liberia = 43,000. (0 from Liberia Territory).” Tweet. Twitter, 16 October 2023. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1713721570496041416.

———. “@_Luke2123 Not by the Emancipated Slaves. One of the Conditions for Funding the Colony by the Abolitionists Was That Slavery Be Outlawed. The Constitution of Liberia Explicitly Forbids Slavery in 3 Different Clauses. Https://T.Co/zRIwc0poV3.” Tweet. Twitter, 16 October 2023. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1713724388598517928.

———. “People Just Lie about Liberia. A 1930 League of Nations Committee Determined; -There Was No Slavery in Liberia. – The Natives Practiced Traditional Forms of Servitude Common in West Africa – Corrupt Government Officials Abused the Compulsory Labor System Https://T.Co/dLSSUb77Ws.” Tweet. Twitter, 16 October 2023. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1713776381828464809.

———. “Someone Explain to Me How Mali Was Trading Slaves for Gold When Mali Was the Largest Gold Producer in the World. Mansa Musa Gave Away so Much Gold That the Value of Gold Plummeted for a Decade. You’d Think That Would Crash the Mali Economy If They Were Trading Slaves for Gold Https://T.Co/RCCfAT0X04.” Tweet. Twitter, 24 October 2023. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1716928476715094417.

———. “The Americo-Liberians Dominated the Leadership Because They Overwhelmingly Lived in Urban Centers under the Liberian State for Most of Its Early History. The Natives Lived in Rural Areas under Traditional Chiefs, Which the Government Had Little to No Jurisdiction Over.” Tweet. Twitter, 16 October 2023. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1713786616265719861.

———. “The British Navy Intercepted Just 5% of All Slave Ships. They Had No Naval Supremacy. Slavery Ended Because the Financial & Humsn Cost to Maintain Slave Colonies Was Too High. British Soldiers Rather Deserted That Severe in the Caribbean. Https://T.Co/EGMLwmmcid.” Tweet. Twitter, 29 October 2023. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1718453324460994877.

———. “@uload16tons @caritas_et @Senor3ringsWitt @MattWalshBlog Lol. Actually, I Find It Hilarious & Flattering.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 February 2024. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1755601042245620030.

———. “@WestAthens68 Why Are They Camped out in My Comments Then? I Tweet for Black People. I Used to Tweet Primarily about Obscure Black History. Some Dude Made a Racist Thread about Africa. Several People Tagged Me to Respond. I Made a Similar Thread about European History. It Went Viral. Ever.” Tweet. Twitter, 31 March 2024. https://x.com/xspotsdamark/status/1774266560464507228.

———. “Western Researchers Actually Studied Cow Urine to Find out If It Has Any Medicinal Properties. They Found Quite a Few. Next, They’ll Bottle It & Call It a Miracle Cure. Meanwhile, y’all Are Worried about What Racist Think of You on Social Media Https://T.Co/n8ycU8NuLQ.” Tweet. Twitter, 25 October 2023. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1717000793746723190.

———. “White People in Geneva, Switzerland, Who Had Never Been to Africa, Much Less to Uganda, Came up with an Arbitrary Number That Idi Amin Killed 500,000 People. Read Mark Leopold’s Idi Amin. There’s No Evidence That Idi Amin Committed a Fraction of the Crimes His Accused of. Https://T.Co/l9qCA9AREs.” Tweet. Twitter, 2 April 2024. https://x.com/xspotsdamark/status/1775266939356828103.

J-Dizzle is still in the Hizzle ❤️🖤📀🖤❤️ [@Jdizzle03246792]. “@xspotsdamark @JohnECochran_ @nigellewinsom13 What Led to John Browns Inspiration Was Nat Turner’s Rebellion and Nat Was Inspired by a Solar Eclipse Which He Interpreted as a Sign from God. In Fact like Most Slaves at That Time I Doubt Nat Even Knew about the Haitian Revolution Https://T.Co/DY1M1B67iD.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 September 2023. https://twitter.com/Jdizzle03246792/status/1699642185736478900.

Kóryos derk 🇪🇺 [@EuropeanAutocr1]. “@xspotsdamark Cope Https://T.Co/dErUwllyRG.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023. https://twitter.com/EuropeanAutocr1/status/1709697722742153397.

———. “@xspotsdamark The Romans Used Ice to Cool Their Food.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023. https://twitter.com/EuropeanAutocr1/status/1709694956602900738.

———. “@xspotsdamark You Have to Really Dislike Europeans to Claim They Didn’t Use Ice as a Food Preservation Methode. Ice Houses Were Used Many Different Places in Europe.” Tweet. Twitter, 4 October 2023. https://twitter.com/EuropeanAutocr1/status/1709700734772547737.

Ordinary Non-Halloween November Wrought [@noughtwrought]. “@aurorachaang You’re Han Chinese, China Colonized Taiwan and Killed Most of the Indigenous Austronesian Taiwanese People off Lol.” Tweet. Twitter, 21 November 2023. https://twitter.com/noughtwrought/status/1726752654301462747.

Rafael Higonnet-Faithfull [@RafFaithfull]. “@xspotsdamark @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs Water Wheels, Flywheels, the Spinning Wheel, Cogwheels, Windmills, Gears, Pulleys, Block and Tackle, Verge Escapements, Gutenberg’s Printing Press, Propellers, Screws and Turbines Are Not Only Useful, but the Very Things That Led to the Steam Engine and the Industrial Revolution!” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023. https://twitter.com/RafFaithfull/status/1700164237073563711.

———. “@xspotsdamark @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs Wrong. Every Single Thing There Is a Pre-Industrial Technology. Waterwheels, Windmills, Spinning Wheels, and Cogwheels Are All Ancient Technologies, Used Extensively in the Middle Ages, and Extremely Instrumental to the Industrial Revolution. Https://T.Co/b8LErEQDG1.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023. https://twitter.com/RafFaithfull/status/1700191364741308673.

———. “@xspotsdamark @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs Yeah, and These Are All Technologies Incorporating Wheels, Which Are Not Modern—Unlike What You Said. Most Are Ancient Technologies. All of These Technologies Were Used Extensively in the Middle Ages—e.g. Water Wheels—and Were Extremely Instrumental in the Industrial Revolution.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023. https://twitter.com/RafFaithfull/status/1700195818500768223.

———. “@xspotsdamark @DmitriThaSheep @akegthatisaman @CoachLoubert @thepowergraphs Wrong. I Never Went from Anything. In Fact, I Talked Solely about the Wheel as Used for Energy. Look at Every Single Thing I Listed Here. Every Single One Is a Technology Used for Energy, Not Transportation.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023. https://twitter.com/RafFaithfull/status/1700204707770200318.

Ruk ☭ 🇲🇰 [@Absurd_Ruka]. “@xspotsdamark @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad How Is This Comparable? Gender Affirming Care Is a Medical Procedure with Research behind It. FGM Is Mutilation Often Done on Infants.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023. https://twitter.com/Absurd_Ruka/status/1705551062122246169.

———. “@xspotsdamark @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad It’s Not a Problem, That’s What It Is. It’s Permanent Damage without Any Valid Reasoning. If Someone Thinks Gender Affirming Care Is the Same, They Just Haven’t Done the Research.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023. https://twitter.com/Absurd_Ruka/status/1705567912331776507.

———. “@xspotsdamark @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad I’ve Looked at the Research Regarding It. Almost All of It Unanimously Says It Is Extremely Harmful and Unnecessary Https://Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/Pmc/Articles/PMC6079349/ Feel Free to Link Any Studies or Research That Prove Otherwise.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023. https://twitter.com/Absurd_Ruka/status/1705569593916354565.

———. “@xspotsdamark @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad Just Because Women Do Something Doesn’t Mean It Can’t Be Misogynistic. It Is Quit Literally Mutilation.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023. https://twitter.com/Absurd_Ruka/status/1705549301470896285.

———. “@xspotsdamark @ErenYea04263043 @bombsovrbaghdad ‘Western Approved Medicine’. What Are You Talking about? There Are Comprehensive Studies That Go over This. I’ll Link Them If You Want to Read Comparing Gender Affirming Care to FGM Is an Unserious Position.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023. https://twitter.com/Absurd_Ruka/status/1705552942546227227.

Strictly_Jake [@strictly_jake]. “@xspotsdamark Https://Slovenia.Si/Art-and-Cultural-Heritage/Worlds-Oldest-Wheel-Found-in-Slovenia/ Used on a Cart….for Hauling Resources.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023. https://twitter.com/strictly_jake/status/1700047709951168726.

Trevor Culley [@HistoryofPersia]. “@xspotsdamark That First Screenshot Is a Fake Translation (Real One Linked below). This Whole Thread Is Just Parroting Pahlavi Era Propaganda. Https://Livius.Org/Sources/Content/Cyrus-Cylinder/Cyrus-Cylinder-Translation/.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 May 2023. https://twitter.com/HistoryofPersia/status/1658126064378322945.

veritas et caritas, 白炯涵 [@caritas_et]. “@gogopedroe @xspotsdamark This Is Not a Quotation from Any Persian Text Saying Cyrus Did These Things. Even in English This Is Very Clear (Check the Tenses). Perhaps You Could Provide the Relevant Quotations? Academic Citations Please, Preferably a Critical Texts.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 May 2023. https://twitter.com/caritas_et/status/1657985926407294977.

———. “@Stretchmarx1 @xspotsdamark @gogopedroe I’ve Read the Text in Question. That Screenshot Is Not the Document Itself. It’s Not Even Half the Text & It Barely Qualifies as a Translation given How Far It Departs from the Source Material. Can You Tell Me Who the Translator Was, and Where That ‘Translation’ Came From?” Tweet. Twitter, 16 May 2023. https://twitter.com/caritas_et/status/1658271177620733952.

———. “@xspotsdamark @gogopedroe This Is Not What I Asked for. Do You Have What I Asked for? Do You Know What a Critical Text Is?” Tweet. Twitter, 15 May 2023. https://twitter.com/caritas_et/status/1657993619612246018.

———. “@xspotsdamark Let Me Know When You Have Any Evidence That I’ve Made Any Slanderous Statements, and Make Specific Claims with Specific Evidence.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 March 2024. https://twitter.com/caritas_et/status/1768580373192364418.

———. “@xspotsdamark Once Again I’m Screenshotting This before You Delete Your Post. I Didn’t Say You Claimed There Was No Slavery in Mali. I Quoted You Directly Saying Something Else. Here’s the Transcript. Https://T.Co/l6evx9P3Y9.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 March 2024. https://twitter.com/caritas_et/status/1768592079268282409.

———. “@xspotsdamark Please Provide the Full Context, Including the Source I Quoted Which Said Mansa Musa Owned Slaves.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 March 2024. https://twitter.com/caritas_et/status/1768606473838551427.

———. “@xspotsdamark You Clearly Haven’t Seen My Video, or You Would Know What I Actually Said. Please Watch It Properly and Take Notes Accurately so You Can Quote It Directly.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 March 2024. https://twitter.com/caritas_et/status/1768598370862743687.

———. “@xspotsdamark You Really Aren’t Helping Yourself. I’m Screenshotting This Post of Yours before You Delete It. I Note That You Have Failed to Even Quote Me, Misrepresentated What I Said, and yet Again Failed to Assess Your Source. This Is Further Evidence of Your Incompetence at Research.” Tweet. Twitter, 15 March 2024. https://twitter.com/caritas_et/status/1768590433272414342.

Vic DeGrammont [@votedegrammont]. “@xspotsdamark From Your Sited Article, Read More than Just the Headlines. 😂 Https://Nationalgeographic.Com/Science/Article/150331-Neanderthals-Music-Oldest-Instrument-Bones-Flutes-Archaeology-Science#:~:text=Once%20thought Https://T.Co/FhohJZX7Rp.” Tweet. Twitter, 8 September 2023. https://twitter.com/votedegrammont/status/1699973351844745408.

خالد 🇩🇿🇹🇹 [@kkkhalidOF]. “@xspotsdamark So, Which Side Do You Stand on? Is Mass Enslavement the Reason for the Wealth of the West or Is It Bad Policy That Reduces the Amount of Productive Workers into Tools? You’re Flip Flopping.” Tweet. Twitter, 23 September 2023. https://twitter.com/kkkhalidOF/status/1705611619307340146.

“Great House on X.” X (Formerly Twitter), 23 September 2023. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1705580862308311212.

“Great House on X.” X (Formerly Twitter), 23 September 2023. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1705671991909376511.

“Isaac Samuel on X: ‘specialists Such as John Hunwick, Rightly Dismiss Both Estimates as “Grossly Inflated”, Explaining That “Logistical Problems of Feeding and Providing Water during the Crossing of the Sahara Rule out Numbers of This Order” Https://T.Co/ftd4Safi55’ / X.” Tweet. X (Formerly Twitter), 3 December 2023. https://twitter.com/rhaplord/status/1731386316883972200.

“Isaac Samuel on X: ‘“The King of Takrur Arrived in Cairo on Account of the Pilgrimage.He Had with Him Maghribīs (North Africans?) And Servants (Khadam) Numbering around 20,000.” Ibn Kaṯīr, 1366 This Is the First to Refer to North Africans and Servants Https://T.Co/ftd4Safi55’ / X.” Tweet. X (Formerly Twitter), 3 December 2023. https://twitter.com/rhaplord/status/1731372917869469955.

“Isaac Samuel on X: ‘While Musa’s Companions Did Acquire “Turkish” Slaves, We Can Be Certain Based on the Available Evidence That Musa’s Entourage Consisted Almost Entirely of Free West African Muslims Who Accompanied Their Emperor on a Journey They Were Very Familiar with. Https://T.Co/ftd4Safi55’ / X.” Tweet. X (Formerly Twitter), 3 December 2023. https://twitter.com/rhaplord/status/1731391480168632651.

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