This video establishes a bad history Youtuber tier list, assessing nine of the largest Youtube history channels, based mainly on criticism they have received on r/badhistory and platforms. See here for a list of my sources.
These were my criteria for inclusion.
1. Must be a history channel.
2. Must have over 500,000 subscribers.
3. Must have been active in the last six months.
4. Must have been critiqued significantly at r/badhistory.
They typically received very low scores due to my criticism of their use or non-use of sources. I examined a representative volume of their content, at least their last 30 history videos, and in some cases more, and found in most cases they cited no sources, or only a few sources, or a narrow range of sources, or poor sources, or some combination of all of these weaknesses, as shown in this spreadsheet I made.

These history channels are assessed:
- Simple History
- Extra History
- Kraut
- Overly Sarcastic Productions
- Kings & Generals
- HomeTeam History
- Whatifalthist
- History Buffs
- Mark Felton
Historical accuracy
- -1 to -5 points for historical inaccuracy
- -1 point for including pop history
- -1 for sources which are irrelevant
- -1 for sources which are unreliable
- -1 for sources which are outdated
Channels must score at least three to be considered generally reliable.
Source verifiability
- -1 for not using sources
- -1 for not revealing all sources in reference list
- -1 for not using full citations
- -1 for not for citing sources in video
- -1 for not quoting sources directly in video
Citation integrity
- -1 for misrepresenting sources
- -1 for a limited range of sources
- -1 for selection bias
- -1 for not assessing sources critically
- -1 for plagiarism
Criticism frequency
- -1 to -5 points for critique frequency & importance
Note that the channel assessments here are described in generalized terms, with just a few samples of bad content for each channel, and that I will reserve more detailed comment on these channels for later videos. My tier list is ranked from A, least bad to worst, F.
- 18-20 = A
- 16-17 = B
- 11-15 = C
- 6-10 = D
- 1-5 = E
- <1 = F

Simple History: 8/20
- 2 for historical accuracy. I am subtracting one point for historical inaccuracy, one point for unreliable sources and one point for including pop history.
- 1 for source verifiability. I am substracting one point for not revealing all sources in a reference list, one point for not using full citations, one point for not citing sources in the video, and one point for not quoting sources directly in the video.
- 2 for citation integrity. I am subtracting one point for a limited range of sources, one point for not assessing sources critically, and one point for plagiarism.
- 3 for criticism frequency. I am substracting two points for its four substantive critiques.

Extra Credits: 4/20
- 1 for historical accuracy. I am subtracting two points for historical inaccuracy, one point for including pop history, and one point for unreliable sources.
- 1 for source verifiability. I am substracting one point for not revealing all sources in a reference list, one point for not using full citations, one point for not citing sources in the video, and one point for not quoting sources directly in the video.
- 2 for citation integrity. I am subtracting one point for a limited range of sources, one point for not assessing sources critically, and one point for plagiarism.
- 0 for criticism frequency. I am substracting all five points for the many substantive critiques it has received, and for the fact that it has defended its extremely poor practices and refused to reform.

Kraut: 5/20
- 1 for historical accuracy. I am subtracting two points for historical inaccuracy, one point for including pop history, and one point for unreliable sources.
- 1 for source verifiability. I am substracting one point for only occasionally revealing all sources in a reference list, one point for not using full citations, one point for not citing sources in the video, and one point for not quoting sources directly in the video.
- 2 for citation integrity. I am subtracting one point for a limited range of sources, one point for selection bias, and one point for not assessing sources critically.
- 1 for criticism frequency. I am substracting four points for the many substantive critiques he has received.

Overly Sarcastic Productions: 8/20
- 2 for historical accuracy. I am subtracting one point for historical inaccuracy, one point for including pop history, and one point for unreliable sources.
- 1 for source verifiability. I am substracting one point for only occasionally revealing all sources in a reference list, one point for not using full citations, one point for not citing sources in the video, and one point for not quoting sources directly in the video.
- 3 for citation integrity. I am subtracting one point for a limited range of sources, and one point for not assessing sources critically.
- 2 for criticism frequency. I am substracting three points for the many substantive critiques they have received

Kings & Generals: 6/20
- 1 for historical accuracy. I am subtracting two points for historical inaccuracy, one point for including pop history, and one point for unreliable sources.
- 1 for source verifiability. I am substracting one point for rarely occasionally revealing all sources in a reference list, one point for not using full citations, one point for not citing sources in the video, and one point for not quoting sources directly in the video.
- 3 for citation integrity. I am subtracting one point for a limited range of sources, and one point for not assessing sources critically.
- 1 for criticism frequency. I am substracting four points for the many substantive critiques they have received.

HomeTeam History: 12/20
- 1 for historical accuracy. I am subtracting one point for historical inaccuracy, one point for including pop history, one point for unreliable sources, and one point for outdated sources.
- 4 for source verifiability. I am substracting one point for not revealing all sources in a reference list.
- 3 for citation integrity. I am subtracting one point for a limited range of sources, and one point for not assessing sources critically.
- 4 for criticism frequency. I am substracting one point since the channel has only occasionally been called out for criticism.

Whatifalthist: -1/20
- -3 for historical accuracy. I am subtracting four points for historical inaccuracy, one point for including pop history, one point for irrelevant sources, one point for unreliable sources, and one point for outdated sources.
- 0 for source verifiability. I am substracting one point for virtually never using sources at all, one point for not revealing all sources in a reference list, one point for not using full citations, one point for rarely citing sources in the videos, and one point for not quoting sources directly in the videos.
- 2 for citation integrity. I am subtracting one point for a limited range of sources, one point for selection bias, and one point for not assessing sources critically.
- 0 for criticism frequency. I am substracting all five points for the very substantive criticisms the channel has received at r/badhistory and on other platforms.

History Buffs: 5/20
- 1 for historical accuracy. I am subtracting three points for historical inaccuracy, and one point for including pop history.
- 0 for source verifiability. I am substracting one point for almost never using sources at all, one point for not revealing all sources in a reference list, one point for not using full citations, one point for rarely citing sources in the videos, and one point for not quoting sources directly in the videos.
- 2 for citation integrity. I am subtracting one point for a limited range of sources, one point for selection bias, and one point for not assessing sources critically.
- 2 for criticism frequency. I am substracting two points since the channel is often called out for criticism.

Mark Felton: 9/20
- 3 for historical accuracy. I am subtracting one point for historical inaccuracy, and one point for including pop history.
- 1 for source verifiability. I am substracting one point for not revealing all sources in a reference list, one point for not using full citations, one point for rarely citing sources in the videos, and one point for not quoting sources directly in the videos.
- 2 for citation integrity. I am subtracting one point for a limited range of sources, one point for not assessing sources critically, and one point for plagiarism.
- 3 for criticism frequency. I am substracting two points since the channel is often called out for criticism.

AdamoGladiatori. “Kings and Generals- Macedonia before Alexander the Great and Philip II.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 18 March 2020.
amac109. “So Is Kraut a ‘Reformed’ Alt-Right Youtuber?” Reddit Post. R/Kraut, 27 October 2020.
andrewism🌻 [@_saintdrew]. “Eurocentric Afrocentrism: Constantly Measuring and Relating Africa’s History to Eurocentric Parameters of Progress, Rather than Letting the Unique, Complex, and Diverse History of the Continent Stand on Its Own.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 November 2021.
———. “@static_shakur @commiefagg I Was about to Say the Same Thing. It’s Good That He Calls It out, but a Lot of His Videos Adopt the Very Same Framework.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 November 2021.
Anthemius_Augustus. “‘The Roman Elite Lost Their Warlike Spirit’ | Whatifalthist Tries to Explain the Fall of Rome, Rambles about Decadence Instead.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 30 September 2022.
BadEmpanada. “How To Research History: A Guide to Doing It Properly.” YouTube, 17 August 2021.
BadEmpanada 2. “History YouTubers Are a Complete Joke.” YouTube, 8 December 2022.
———. “Kraut Lied About Chomsky, and He’s Said and Done Far Worse.” YouTube, 22 November 2021.
_Basileus. “Simple History- The Maginot Line.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 12 March 2018.
BelgianTaxevader. “Misrepresenting the Turkish History by Youtube Skeptic Kraut.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 1 April 2020.
ByzantineBasileus. “Another Batch of Bad Persian Military History, or How ByzantineBasileus Setup a Fireworks Exporting Company in the 13th Century AD.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 29 December 2018.
———. “Bite-Size History: Kings and Generals Cannot Get Anything Right.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 24 June 2020.
———. “Bite-Sized Badhistory: Kings and Generals Convinced Dessler to Invade Earth.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 10 May 2021.
———. “Bite-Sized Badhistory: Kings and Generals Regularly Consorts with the Skeksis and Absorbs Energy from the Crystal of Truth.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 28 June 2020.
———. “Bite-Sized Badhistory: Kings and Generals Think Inaho Kaizuka Is an Interesting and Realistic Protagonist.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 27 September 2021.
———. “Bite-Sized Badhistory: Kings and Generals Worship Slaanesh.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 24 November 2021.
———. “Bite-Sized Badhistory: Overly Sarcastic Productions Give Byzantinebasileus a Seizure.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 24 May 2021.
———. “Bite-Sized Badhistory: Overly Sarcastic Productions Helped the Principality of Zeon Drop a Colony on Sydney.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 17 May 2021.
———. “Bite-Sized Badhistory: Overly Sarcastic Productions Knows Nothing about The Crusades.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 30 September 2021.
———. “Bite-Sized Badhistory: Overly Sarcastic Productions Tried to Destroy House Atreides.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 18 May 2021.
———. “Bite-Sized Badhistory: There Is Another.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 22 January 2021.
———. “Kings and Generals Gets Iranian History Wrong.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 23 August 2019.
CaesarVariable. “Bring Me the Head of Yukio Mishima’s Badhistory.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 21 August 2018.
Chamboz. “Extra History: Suleiman the Magnificent, or: How to Fail in Public.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 21 April 2016.
———. “Extra History, Süleyman Episode II: The Arrogance Awakens.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 25 April 2016.
Changeling_Wil. “A British Tea Drinking Game – Or How Kings and Generals Has Issues with Manzikert.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 5 August 2020.
———. “HistoryMarche, Kings & Generals and the Battle of Adrianople| The Latin Empire Is Surrounded by Bad History and Only You Can Save It!” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 3 October 2021.
———. “I Don’t Have Enough Tea for This – Kings and Generals Tries to Tell the Story of the Fourth Crusade.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 6 August 2020.
Compieuter. “The Great Schism, or How Kings Generals Falls into a Gap of Simplification and Exageration.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 22 February 2020.
Damon Young, The Root. “What Is Hotep? | A Very Smart Brotha Explains.” YouTube, 7 February 2018.
dandan_noodles. “AskHistorians Flairs Dunking on Youtubers: A Compilation.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 11 February 2020.
———. “OSP’s ‘Classical Warfare’ Video Has Me Feeling Blue.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 30 June 2019.
DanMouritzsen. “Missing-Lynx-Copy Cat Mark Felton Productions – Photos and Article Copied Here from Missing-Lynx…” Missing-Lynx, 1 January 2019.
DasPanzermuseum [@DasPanzermuseum]. “In His Latest Video Mark Felton Accuses the Panzermuseum of Selling the Tiger I Back in 2016. We Wrote a Short Statement: Https:// Https://T.Co/PAsOHvP0ts.” Tweet. Twitter, 21 January 2022.
Dirish. “There was only one post so far, but there was some more criticism in the comments of more general threads on YouTube videos for his lack of research…” Reddit Comment. R/Badhistory, 11 February 2020.
Echo Chamberlain. “A Tribute to the Endearing Stodginess of Mark Felton.” YouTube, 19 April 2022.
EnclavedMicrostate. “Right, so as /u/Scarlet_sage Has Mentioned.” Reddit Comment. R/AskHistorians, 21 August 2018.
FeatsOfStrength. “Mark Felton always leans towards sensationalism in his videos.” Reddit Comment. R/Badhistory, 24 March 2020.
Fredda. “When Alt-History Goes Off the Rails.” YouTube, 24 September 2022.
Fritz Imperial. “Why Islam Is Illiberal, Part 57 (Kraut and Tea Parody).” YouTube, 29 July 2017.
Hergrim. “Battle of Crecy 1346 – Hundred Years’ War BAD HISTORY.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 9 March 2021.
HomeTeam History. “A History Of The Dogon & Their Ancient Science.” YouTube, 16 October 2019.
Jonathan Ware [@ReassessHistory]. “Dear Mark Please Can You Just Go Away with Your Clickbait & Very Bad History and Maybe Think about What You Have Done for a While Thanks Ww2 Internet #ww2 #sww #history Https://T.Co/J7EalKlRtO.” Tweet. Twitter, 12 September 2021.
———. “@Ianto693 Felton Has a… Curious Number of Followers on YT. His Content Is Very Poor, Often Wrong & Basically Whacked Together from Wikipedia. I Know of Not a Single Historian, or Serious Enthusiast, Who Takes Him Seriously. Problem Is… He Has a Strangely Large Reach.” Tweet. Twitter, 12 September 2021.
justlucas999. “Regarding Kraut’s Comments about Muslims.” Reddit Post. R/Kraut, 28 October 2021.
kingmakk. “How Reliable Are ‘Kings and Generals’ on YouTube?” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 6 January 2019.
Konstantine890. “I’ve discussed the validity of KaG a few times now and I find 2 different issues about them” Reddit Comment. R/Badhistory, 6 January 2019.
Kubilay Balci. “Kraut and Misrepresenting the Turkish Century.” YouTube, 31 March 2020.
Kyle–Butler. “How Central Was the House of Wisdom to the Translation Movement ? (Kings and Generals & Invicta Videos).” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 21 May 2020.
LothorBrune. “I was just gonna start a topic on that. It’s… mixed. Blue is a cool guy and all, but his History is that of a meme, or a fable.” Reddit Comment. R/Badhistory, 12 February 2020.
LXT130J. “The Curious Case of the Battle of Gqokli Hill.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 18 January 2021.
MaharajadhirajaSawai. “Exploring the ‘Paradox’ of British Conquest, in Extra History’s Conquest of India : Part 1.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 10 December 2021.
———. “Kraut’s New Video : Mistakes and Inaccuracies.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 12 October 2021.
———. “Sailing upon the ‘Paradoxical’ Waters of Extra History’s Conquest of India Series : Part 2.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 13 December 2021.
MasterofRoflness. “I think his Kings and Generals videos are quite awful…” Reddit Comment. R/Badhistory, 10 January 2019.
———. [under the pseudonym Dajjal] “What Happened to the Sassanid Empire? Fall of the Sasanian Empire.” YouTube, 20 May 2019.
MedievalGuardsman461. “From what I’ve seen: Extra Credits is pretty bad, or at least a lot of their content is.” Reddit Comment. R/Badhistory, 25 December 2018.
megami-hime. “I watched Blue’s recent video about Medieval India and it was just so disappointing.” Reddit Comment. R/Badhistory, 11 February 2020.
Meghan. “Fight Fascism with Facts: Educate Yourself with HomeTeam History – CVLT Nation.” CVLT Nation, 12 January 2021.
MiffedMouse. “Dubious History: Mary Anning’s Tongue Twister.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 12 May 2017.
———. “This post does an excellent job of covering some of the issues with Indian history in Kraut’s video. I noticed a lot of inaccuracies in the China portion, so I thought I would share some.” Reddit Comment. R/Badhistory, 12 October 2021.
Minimantis. “How to History Bluff Your Way through the History of Alexander.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 6 August 2018.
MoFreedomFoundation. “Kraut’s Biggest Failure | Kraut 2.” YouTube, 4 August 2022.
———. “Whatifalthist Is Fox News For Nerds | Whatifalthist 2.” YouTube, 8 June 2022.
———. “Whatifalthist Needs To Read More.” YouTube, 9 February 2022.
———. “Why Kraut’s Noam Chomsky Video Is Garbage.” YouTube, 3 November 2021.
Neciota. “Currently Trending on /r/Videos; a Channel Called ‘History Buffs’ Reviews the Historical Accuracy of ‘Saving Private Ryan.’ Glosses over Historical Inaccuracies and Asserts Multiple Falsities Consider This Post a Review of a Review.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 11 July 2016.
Notamacropus. “Extra Credits Does WWI, Part 2: Badhistory Harder.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 11 October 2014.
———. “Extra Credits Does WWI: The Seminal Badhistory (Featuring the Sarajevo Sandwich).” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 1 October 2014.
Ostfront2wegondie2. “Mark Felton Productions Plagiarizes Some of His Videos, Historical Inaccuracies and All.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 23 March 2020.
Paepaok. “Minoans, Dorians, and Greeks – Oh My!!! | Whatifalthist’s Video ‘Understanding Classical Civilization’ (Part 1).” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 28 December 2021.
ParallelPain. “Kings and Generals – Battle of Sekigahara 1600.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 16 October 2018.
———. “Kings and Generals – History of the Samurai: Outsiders to Legends.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 2 November 2018.
Possible History. “Responding To Whatifalthist ‘Who Will Win America’s Next Civil War.’” YouTube, 28 September 2022.
Pytherz. “What Is the Subs Consensus on Overly Sarcastic Productions History Videos?” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 11 February 2020.
Rabsus. “I’ve watched a total of one video from him and it was so bad I never watched another one…” Reddit Comment. R/Badhistory, 24 March 2020.
Raths, Ralf. “Regarding Mark Feltons „King Tiger Still In Lake?“ video – Deutsches Panzermuseum Munster.” Das Panzermuseum, 21 January 2022.
Reading-is-good. “King and Generals: Battle of Frigidus 394.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 16 June 2021.
RegularCockroach. “Whatifalthist Claims Pre-Colonial Africa Had ‘No African State Had a Strong Intellectual Tradition’ Among Other Lies.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 22 March 2021.
Sarsath. “Kraut’s Bad History: The Early Christian Church Hated Bathing and Hygiene.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 27 March 2020.
StandingInTheHaze. “Yes this seems absolutely true. I have tried to research subjects he covers by typing quotes from his videos into the search bar and have had back returns of the same words written originally on various websites.” Reddit Comment. R/Badhistory, 24 March 2020.
Surprise_Institoris. “Well, I Have Already Been Rumbled.” Reddit Comment. R/Badhistory, 20 June 2017.
tansub. “A Critique of Kraut’s Latest Video on the Danube.” Reddit Post. R/Kraut, 7 December 2022.
tinrond. “History Buffs Commits Bad History and Alexandrian Christians Delayed the Space Age.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 17 June 2016.
Tost, Markus. “Missing-Lynx-Jagdtigers in the Bulge??? Mark Felton Did It Again.” Missing-Lynx, n.d.
Universal Public fiend [@commiefagg]. “@static_shakur Hometeam History Made a YouTube Video about This Idea, and How Hotep Style ‘Afrocentrism’ Does a Disservice to the Actual Rich History of Africa and Africans.” Tweet. Twitter, 7 November 2021.
UpperLowerEastSide. “Is Western Civilization Commiting Suicide | Whatifalthist in ‘A Final 8 Taboo Questions about History and Society.’” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 9 August 2022.
———. “The Existence of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Is Extremely Flattering to Modern Western Society as They Would Have Been Shot in Any Society| Whatifalthist in ‘The Six Most Extreme Societies Ever (We’re One).’” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 10 April 2022.
———. “Whatifalthist Assures Us That Latin America Is a Whole Different Video Game from Canada or Germany, Setting the Tone for His Historical Analysis in His Video ‘Understanding Latin America.’” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 24 December 2021.
———. “‘You Really Can’t Have a Democracy Based upon Giving Non Propertied Classes the Vote.’ | Whatifalthist in His Video ‘Understanding Classical Civilizations’ Part 2.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 1 January 2022.
Veritas et Caritas. “The Fabrication of Bushido #1.” YouTube, 12 August 2020.
———. “HomeTeam History on the Ishango & Lebombo Bones #1.” YouTube, 23 August 2020.
———. “HomeTeam History on the Ishango & Lebombo Bones #2.” YouTube, 30 August 2020.
———. “The Ishango Bone: A 22,000 Year Old Lunar Calendar Made by Women as the First Mathematicians?” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 15 March 2021.
———. “The Hypatia of Alexandria Myth.” YouTube, 15 September 2022.
———. “What Are the Ishango & Lebombo Bones?” YouTube, 30 September 2022.
Vest, Jl. “Perverse and Necessary Dialogues in African Philosophy.” Thought Pract. 1.2 (2010): 1–23.
Whatifalthist. “A Final 8 Taboo Questions about History and Society.” YouTube, 20 July 2022.
———. “How the Roman Empire Fell.” YouTube, 27 September 2022.
———. “Understanding Classical Civilization.” YouTube, 21 December 2021.
WirelessZombie. “Problems with Extra Credit’s Cheng I Sao, the Chinese Pirate Queen Video.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 28 January 2018.
xboxman523. “Mark Felton Has Been Called out by the German DasPanzermuseum for a Video about One of Their Former Possessions.” Reddit Post. R/DerScheisser, 21 January 2022.
xLuthienx. “African History Youtuber Misunderstands Hieroglyphs.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 19 August 2020.
Yotuberfrench. “Why Does Kraut Hate Islamic Culture so Much( Not Trying to Mean).” Reddit Post. R/Kraut, 21 July 2020.
YouJusGotSarged. “Bad History in YouTube Channel History Buff’s Review on the 1970 Film ‘Waterloo.’” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 8 June 2016.
Young, Damon. “Hotep, Explained.” The Root, 5 March 2016.
“EC Credits History – Mistakes.” Reddit Post. R/ExtraCredits, 6 February 2018.
“Extra Credits Quadruples the Death Count at Dieppe.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 20 June 2017.
“I’m Asking about the Reliability of Several Youtube Channels.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 25 December 2018.
“Kraut and Pakistani History.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 14 April 2020.
“Response at Extra Credits Video about Strategic Bombing.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 21 June 2016.
“Suleiman the Magnificent – Lies – Extra History | The Extra Credits Channel on Patreon.” Patreon, 24 April 2016.
“What Is Kraut’s Current Views on Islam and Religion in General? What Is Yours?” Reddit Post. R/Kraut, 14 July 2020.
“‘World War II: The Battle of Kursk – I: Operation Barbarossa – Extra History’, or Just… Just No.” Reddit Post. R/Badhistory, 15 February 2016.